Scientific communications

  • All abstracts, scientific articles or reviews, manuscripts as well as communications related to paper submission (rebuttal letters and communications with editors) must be reviewed by  Guy prior to submission.
  • Acknowledgement sections of such communications should be reviewed by Muriel.

Scholarship/fellowship applications

  • All students/postdocs are encouraged to apply to funding agencies to obtain scholarships or fellowships when eligible.

Scientific meeting attendance

  • The lab tries to cover expenses for students/postdocs/associates to go to one scientific meeting per year, provided that sufficient novel results are produced to submit an abstract.
  • Associates are encouraged to submit a request to Université de Montréal to have registration fees reimbursed as part of the University training program for employees

Training workshop attendance

  • All requests to attend a scientific training workshop must be approved by Marie-Eve before registration.
  • In the event that a limited number of trainees are allowed to attend per lab or to apply to a scholarship related to the workshop, priority to apply will be determined by Marie-Eve.