Scientific communications

  • All abstracts, scientific articles or reviews, manuscripts as well as communications related to paper submission (rebuttal letters and communications with editors) must be reviewed by Marie-Eve or Guy prior to submission.
  • Acknowledgement sections of such communications must be reviewed by Muriel prior to submission to make sure all funding agencies are properly acknowledged.

Scholarship/fellowship applications

  • All students/postdocs are required to apply to funding agencies to obtain scholarships or fellowships when eligible.
  • Trainees are responsible to produce high quality applications to improve chances of success. All scholarship/fellowship applications must be reviewed by Marie-Eve before submission.

Scientific meeting attendance

  • The lab could cover expenses for students/postdocs/associates to go to one scientific meetings a year, provided that sufficient novel results are produced to submit an abstract.
  • All requests for meeting registration must be approved by Marie-Eve or Guy prior to registration. All abstracts must be reviewed by Marie-Eve or Guy before submission.
  • Scientific meeting attendance for projects funded by Genome must be additionally approved by the Leucegene executive committee. Please submit meeting info, budget and abstract to Muriel who will submit the request to the Leucegene executive committee. Please note that Leucegene executive committee meets every 2 weeks on Tuesday, so please plan your requests in advance.
  • A copy of all accepted abstracts must be sent to Muriel and it must be specified if the abstract was accepted for a poster or an oral presentation. If you receive a price during the meeting, please notify Muriel as well.
  • Students/postdocs are required to apply to travel awards to cover expenses when eligible. Priority to apply to IRIC travel award is given to students/postdocs submitting an abstract and is determined by Marie-Eve or Guy.
  • Associates must submit a request to Université de Montréal to have registration fees reimbursed as part of the University training program for employees.
  • The scientific meeting attendance policy is subject to change depending on funds available.

Training workshop attendance

  • All requests to attend a scientific training workshop must be approved by Marie-Eve before registration.
  • In the event that a limited number of trainees are allowed to attend per lab or to apply to a scholarship related to the workshop, priority to apply will be determined by Marie-Eve.